Typical Thai Meals, mainly consists of a soup or curry dish with rice, a salad, a fried dish, a single dish and desserts. Normally there would be a mix of spicy and mild dishes for 'balance' and to neutralise tastes. Also, a Thai meal is served all at once, as opposed to serving dishes in courses. For breakfast; Thais don't particularly mind having spicy food in the morning. Different kinds of curry on top of rice with a fried egg, Grilled pork with sticky rice (Khao Niew Moo Ping) are common for breakfast or even the single dish like "Khao Man Gai", most city people prefer something quick and easy due to the busy lifestyles. Lunch will be something a little heavier and dinner is often shared among family and friends. And, in between, 'snacking' is common.
Grilled Calmar (Pla Muak Yang') |
Mango with sweet sticky rice, freshly orange juice, fresh fruits and frittered bananas are available, virtually everywhere in the city and you can say that reasonable price. Thai people love sharing food. If you go out for lunch or dinner with Thai friends, you are most likely to be asked whether you'd like a single dish or dishes to share. To share or not to share, that is a question entirely up to you. To make things easier, it helps to observe or ask other people in your group what style they're going for. If they've decided on sharing, then you should join in the fun.
Evening; Two alternative routes here: either the traditional Bangkok of teak houses and go-go bars, or the brash new Bangkok of super hip restaurants and clubs.
Traditional Dine at Baan Khanitha, a fair hike down Sukhumvit Soi 23 from Skytrain Asok (E5). Excellent Thai food, although the amount of chili is toned down for tourists (just ask, and they'll spice it up if you're brave enough to try!). Particular favourites here are the pomelo salad (ยำส้มโอ som tam om) and roast duck in red curry (แกงแดงเป็ด kaeng daeng phet). Mains mostly range around 200 baht.
Hop on the Skytrain and change trains at Siam for Sala Daeng station. Follow the crowds a few hundred metres down Silom Road and through the street market until you spot the signs of Patpong to your right. Pick a go-go bar of your liking, perhaps King's Castle III if you're adventurous and want to see transvestites strutting their stuff. Beers around 70 baht a pop.
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